Thursday, January 26, 2012

Date 4 of 52... just playin' games

So this week was a bit of a down week as far as dates go.  I had planned a wii night, and so far that hasn't happened.  LOL  But we've been spending the evenings playing games, and talking, and just being together.  Without a prearranged date!  It's just coming naturally.  So I'm going to hold wii night in my pocket for one of those weeks I just don't feel like making a big plan, and pull it out then.

Also, I'm adding a button on my page.  If you want to begin "dating your spouse" and blog about it, PLEASE send me the link.  I'd LOVE to share it on my blog!!!!

LINKS to other dates:
Jennifer's First Date

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm bloggging about dating my spouse too!!
Happy Dating!